Friday, May 25, 2007

Post Titled: Art Investment.
Friday. Hot. Unkept teenage chain-smoking Tourists from the Mediterranean and France are clogging the sidewalks below again. I make a sign that says "HUP VERBOT wegen buro" and taped it to the construction site below since it has been incessant honk-rage for a week straight, hope that will change something... I think I -. well, yes, I accidentally spammed a bunch of email addresses with a blank email "art investment" JUST LIKE THE ONEs I GET with the title: Hot INvestment tip! and a childish crappily assembled graphics attached about the Frankfurt Börse.
On the subject of art investment, however, what can I say- I do mull it over. Back when I had a real job, disposable income and a decent art collection myself I was only buying work here and there because I actually liked it. Since then there have been a half a dozen artists who I am kicking myself for NOT having bought when I like their work and it cost 1/10 what it does now... scheisse. Ok, more on that later.

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