Monday, May 10, 2010

a wake for artwork and look at all my angry tweets.
DISCLAIMER: After living in Berlin I have started to feel that by nailing art to the walls of a white room you are acknowledging the fact that it has been kacked out of the creative process which brought it about.../ stillborn, the art exhibit/opening is a wake for the end-point of the potential and energy which created the work. I am less and less interested in these stillborn works adn the business built around them- none of which has anything to do with "art" - and more and more interested in the energy which creates them.
Annnnyhow... enough ranting...
Point of this post is: I saw Damien Hirst quoted on the Berliner Fenster tv-news b.s. thing in the train this monring, ooh how it brewed those angry little passive aggressive tweets in me, so much so that I was compelled to post three times in sucession:
A. which probably means we passed the high water mark & on our way down
damien hirst quoted in the paper as saying the BERLIN ART SCENE ROCKS -
B.thanks again captain obvious.
C. meaning: it generally has fewer dickheads with money such as himself

this is in reference to the long night I accidentally got lost in 15 gazillion openings on Heidestrasse on Apreil 30th-ish, one of which apparently (which I missed) was Haunch of Venison
Damien Hirst & Michael Joo
Have You Ever Really
Looked At The Sun?


Google Book Search


Anonymous A Limitist said...

Remember the old plan to call all artworks exhibited in the gallery Corpse #1, Corpse #2, etc? Remember, Herr Thomas?

8:43 am  
Blogger "Post-Google" by TAR ART RAT said...

yes- I DO- but now it really realy makes really real sense... pretty full-circle on that one-

9:11 am  

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