Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Passive population pacification theory: Germany

I have always wondered at the level of order in German society and have even joked that of the police force were to dissappear overnight rapture-style then it wouldn't make a bit of difference...

And I have marveled at HOW this happens to a people- HOW each and every citizen becomes a self-regulated one-person order unit...

And after 12 years I have a new theory:
German kindergarten and early education allow for a free form sort of ... Well, avenue for humans to get the chaos out of their systems so that by the time they are older they desire order and willingly conform (often without even knowing it) ...
but when are they broken? When do they let go and play the game and even act as helicopters hovering over their neighbor's to be sure that everything is by the book- when does all that happen?...

American public schools are very much about forcing students to conform and I think that naturally incites rebellion in the human spirit and sets people up for a lifetime of rebellious social responses towards authority...
Hence we have a society who jaywalks and tax-dodges, a population more
Likely to run from the cops or to park in a handicapped spot when they aren't supposed to... A sneaky sort of society constantly trying to get away with things...
Meanwhile in Germany someone - just another average joe - feels compelled to yell at you - scream even - when you jaywalk or to openly remind you that you are in the improper bike lane- the turning lane- and that you should turn instead of going straight (even if the road is otherwise empty and this little bit of civil disobedience has not ad could not possibly put aNYone in danger at the time) oh... The
List goes on and on and on because ordnung muss sein...

Anyhow, that is about it. That is my
New 'theory'- and I don't have any other but so long as I live in germany the thoroughly un-human qualities of the German populace will forever continue to baffle me...
So ist das Leben...
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