Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Post Titled: Do you see what I see?
I am sitting in the heart of darkness, the middle of a shopping mall balcony in Potsdamer Platz 5 days before Christmas. For a hundred meters or so there are floating trees and cascading lights hovering above the Shoppers below, a live of computers could be seen on the catwalk and lo-and-behold some sucker put in 2€ and left with 50 minutes still available on this computer, so it is a wonderful warm feeling using the internet for free in this consumer wonderland.
I have complained about Potsdamer Platz before and I'll admit that I came here straigh after work with the specific purpose of distracting myself from worldly concerns... alas, it backfired of course. Walking through an entire Christmas market with its 1,001 amazing smells just makes you insane, and being here in a huge and amazingly well-decorated shopping mecca makes you realize HOW SAD IT IS THAT THERE IS NO POINT TO LIFE IN WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Now, that may sound stupidly pessimistic, simplitic, naieve, onoriginal and reduntant- but it has been a full year since I've had that splash in the face of Christmas shopping madness... and once again, it strikes me like a rock in the side of the head: TO WHAT END? Paying even 20€ for a shirt is a joke considering what a shirt is, yet people still insist on paying 120€ and upwards... to what end.
To what end. TO wwhaaattt end... really.
The pursuit of material goods seems to be the end, and Western life revolves around these absurd and pointless pursuits... oh how dumb and simple we little ants are... it is truly horrifying...

OK, I'll try not throw myself off this balcony for a second and just calm down.

Sometimes this just sinks in and it isn't a pleasant thing.

The ski slope is still oustide and young pink-cheeked teenagers are paying a lot of money for a 20 second inner-tube ride.

I still can't believe someone payed €2 to use the internet for less that 10 minutes. Jesus Christ what is wrong with us, and that you you idiot for making this venomous blog entry possible.

there's always Adbusters to whip this dead horse


Google Book Search


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Paul, what could you possibly want more than a shirt, and a nice one at that? And you don't thing nice things come for free, do you? It sounds like what you really need though is a new home appliance. That'll cheer you up right fast, and it'll make life a lot more convenient too.

9:01 pm  

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