Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Post Titled: From an article called "Competition is the American Imperialists Way!"
Post Subtitled:Commie bastards!
Post Sub-Subtitled: Jussssstkiddddding, I love competition and Communists... (well, the hot ones anyway).

Post Sub-Sub-SUbtitled: Jussssstttt Kiiiiddding, not so superficial. sh*t, where's my coffeee. I broke down and watched the forst 1/3 of Spider-Man 3 online yyesterday, how's that for junkie capitalism?
Post Now Retitled: There's still nothing quite like the North Korean Mass Games

Quote from North Korean Doll Factory Owner:

"Dolls of white bear, brown bear, puppies and kitten were manufactured. Even I felt like being a child when I was looking at those dolls. Some of them were planned for export to South Korea while the rest would remain for North Korean kids. I was dreaming of North Korean children holding the dolls produced in my factory.

If production phase kept up, there would be more order from international buyers and I could be able to teach more skills and know-how to North Korean technicians.

My next objective was to gradually increase the production rate to a hundred thousand dolls per month. What I had achieved by then took about six months. One hundred thousands dolls per month seemed an easy task.

But a ‘North Korean’ trouble occurred again. Since salary was set immobile, production cost was higher if output was low. When output was increased, the number of inferior goods also rose.

So I pushed the employees to work hard and cautiously at the same time with low rate of inferior goods. The reply was “we don’t work in a capitalists’ way!” Workers did not get paid more for extra production.
“The Great Leader comrade Kim Il-Sung and the Dear Leader comrade Kim Jong-Il already told us how to work. We only follow that.”

I could not find a word to respond. "


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