Wednesday, September 28, 2022

digital sculpture - from 'traditional art' into web3... (a necessary post)

work(s)-in-progress ramblings here...

granted, I'm a total sucker for a pristine sheet of acid-free cotton art paper, but in the third dimension I usually I tend to see everything as sculptural elements or items and therefore 'suffer' from an imaginary condition which I have come to call "SCULPTURAL bias"  I have a habit of making art out of whatever is at hand - .

which I suppose leads us to process... 

I used to disregard process, I couldn't stand / didn't care about the hyperneurotic microdetails of someone's journey towards product, but now... not I think I kind of love it.

For example, the process is an adventure - in my case an urban adventure which starts with finding treasue and which leads to making a mess, cleaning it up, and THEN (mayyybe even) calling it  'art') but if not then who cares 

FOR EXAMPLE while biking through Neukölln I found a roll of pristine cork - like for a bulletin board, and paired it with rivets and leftover housepaint and found glitter to arrive at a start - what becomes the first steps of a work in progress - which might take months, there is a lot of back burner THIS:


ARTIST_rough_century_TITLE_multiGLOBE is a 3D digital sculpture rooted entirely in 'irl' sculpture and both digital and analog painting.

It is a part of the ongoing #SCULPTURALbias series. 

On Mintbase I was stoked to find a few 3D Sculptures by 

Berlin painter and sucessful irl-to-nft artist and mentor: 

Mical Noelson

''extra comfy wrangling pillow''


''piss pillow hatrick hero''




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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

rough_CENTURY #SCULPTURALbias digital sculpture collection on OpeanSea (migrating from TARartRAT collection;)

#SCULPTURALbias is a series of digital sculptures in a collection I am now posting to OpenSea and Minting to Mintbase on Near Protocol. for some reason this embed is totally whack, but tbh it has been a few years since i fiddled with html, so I'll fix it...
  • rough_CENTURY #SCULPTURALbias digital sculpture collection is available via OpeanSea TARartRAT collection
  • ARTIST_rough_century_TITLE_multiGLOBE_1 is a 3D digital sculpture rooted entirely in 'irl' sculpture and both digital and analog painting. It is a part of the ongoing #SCULPTURALbias series.
  • but of course before all that I was making #lockdownSCULPTURES - firing hand-made clay way to soon (wet) and too thick in our coal ovens at home - the antiquated (ancient!) elements which still heat my Berlin apartment (built in the early 1870s) NOTE: clay grafefully aquired at ceramic kingdom Berlin (who made it available for pickup all during the covid-19 pandemic so that ceramicists and sculptors could still work at home. anyhow, interesting outcomes - here are some of those poor, unfortunate souls from the CONTAINMENT series who provided the basis for the SCULPTURALbias (digital) sculpture series I am not developing:
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