Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mr. Belvedere revisited... and all the time a man can possibly spend/ waste online

SO we haven't had the internet at home for over THREE YEARS now... and then my GF's mom gave us a USB surf stick - which is actually pretty fast - and suddenly I *ZAP* lost a day of my catching up with the online world...
FOR EXAMPLE - one little chunck of time was gobbled up (and continues to be gnawed on) when someone - *ahem*- posted the Small Wonder themesong on facebook - which I guiltily watched and listened to - and which lead me to the Mr. Belvedere themesong which was just weird ... because- first off - as it turns out the song is by Leon Redbone (a guy we listened to in college a lot) and secondly because I discovered that Fergie of the Black-Eyed Peas is a member of the cast... so bizarre. Right? Anyhow, back to regularly-scheduled programming... and Slacker on Network Awesome and the new NAS album and codecademy.
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