Friday, December 01, 2006

Post Titled: Schwartzarbeiter relieves Schwartzfahrer of duties OR The LaChapelle Show Random Goodness.
I found mmyself whistling in the sunshine at 11 am this morning at Alexanderplatz very happy because:
A. I just hung a David LaChapelle photo exhibit all by my lonesome.
B. I made a bunch of money doing it
C. THis was all very surprising and life-saving.
I was sitting around Thursday night when Robert called again saying "Hey, man- you free tonight, I got a job for you, might go until 3 or 4 in the morning."
I got to Haechischen Höfe 20 minutes later to learn that we were going to be assembling a David LaChapelle show revolving arouind the new book above the PUMA... which is wierd, because I'd just expected to be changing lightbulbs like last time.

In brief:
We did a lot, I'll have to go back and take photos the space looks crazy. I worked from 10pm until 11 am when David's crazy entourage began arriving before the interviews, dropping all their purses and jackets as soon as they entered the space, hands on faces or in the air "OOOOHHHHWW, DAAAAVID is going to LOOOOOVE this HIS prints look so much better than in the muceum" and on and on spouting the american art-fag-haggiest sh*t Iäve ever heard. Leaches. They had no idea that I could understand their every word, and by this point I looked like a zombie puitting finishing touches in the huge floor decals.
We built a pretty great space. The workers... Ok, my brain is fried, I might elaborate later...
THe good things was that I returned home with a new Monatskarte for Nadine and I worked, so happy just to be doing something, much less building and hanging such a show...
Ok, going out for Viatnamese to celebrate...
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