Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Post Titled: "effing villagers, man."
my former colleague, a brit himself, would often shake his head when encountering examples of the sort of provincial mentality of the citizens of europe sometimes (unwittingly) display, saying the above post title... which reminded me of the following:
(summary of article I came across today):
"The guy from the government (Randolph Krüger, SPD Party) went on a journey to the States. His colleague, Annette Widmann-Mauz, is in a wheelchair and asked for a 'nigger' to help/push her around. Also, he criticized the Consulate in San Fran. He said the wouldn't know how to deal with men of his status, they only know how to get drunk tourists out of prison.... The General Consulate send a letter to Germany - complaining... the SPIEGEL read it..."

Well, he's certainly no Schultze.

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