Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post Titled: Angie verarscht! Angela Merkel bogus twitter accounts (are pretty funny)the only TWITTER profile we are following at work is the White House. Fine.
But when I went to follow the German government or a German official- whoops.
They are totally not in control of their Twitter accounts. aka: their idnetities have been hijacked.
to a painful degree.

all of the search results for her name seem to be bogus accounts-
look at a recent Tweet on the Merkel_CDU account:
"Westerwelle werde ich als Außenminister nicht zulassen. Die Russen und Araber würden sich totlachen, wenn ein Schwuler dieses Amt innehätte."
"I can't allow Westerwelle to be Foreign Minister. The Arabs and Russians would laugh themselves to death if we had a homosexual in this position."
fraking "ouch" on that one, even if it seems like something they might actually say behind closed doors.
A recent
tweet on the (second search result) Angela_Merkel twitter account reads:
"ANGIE-AKTUELL: #Osama und #Obama trennt jetzt nicht nur ein Buchstabe, sondern ab heute auch der #Friedensnobelpreis."
"ANGIE-UPDATE: After today there will be more than just a one letter difference between #Osama and #Obama, not there is also a Nobel Prize."

OTHER RANDOM SHIT: What I they just split the sports and had performance enhanced league and bio-league?
Like that nudie mag of all natural boobs... Perfect 10?-

overheard in the office
"This guy sounds pretty serious, he's a consultant for the WTO-"
"the WHO"
'He probably IS a consultant for the WTO as well, though."

and - last but not least- as a translator I found this interesting: Biblical scholars to Christians: "Mary was not a virgin"
- at least not in the original text. She acquired her virginity through an error in translation.

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