Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Post Titled: World Bank Wolfowitz Scandal through the T.A.R. Lens...

Disclaimer, I have to write a blurb for a newsletter at work about Mr. Wolfowitz... here is my own personal draft that may need a few changes before going to print:

"The Crimes of Passion (Most Likely) Committed by Paul Wolfowitz
Under Pressure: A World Bank committee has thus far determined that World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has violated the Code of Conduct, clearly more damaging to his reputation that merely having holes in his socks. He is accused of upping the salary of his girlfriend and fellow Muppet, Shaha Riza, the WB's Middle East and North Africa region Slightly Androgenous Senior Gender Specialist. Although Wolfowitz continues to defend himself and deny any wrongdoing, one must wonder: Why? She ain’t all that- I mean, a Google image search produces photos of a homely woman in-profile, with the face only a brother could love. Further audio recordings of phone conversations from Wolfowitz to Riza in which he states smoothly'I'll hook you up, Baby' are not working towards his advantage."

Hmm...I might've made that last sentance up.

Either wat the internet rage is raging on all sides, American and European, Left Right and LEft, and of all the comments I have seen posted I do believe my favorite thus far comes from The Huffington Post, thouroughly irreverant:
"MisterBorat: Throw the Jew down the well for Chrissakes!!" if you have seen that episode... where Borat is in a country-western bar in Texas and gets everyone to sing "Throw the Jew down the well" on the premise that it is a old folksong in his village back in Kazakstan.
Don't you just love internet rage? Isn't it just silly?

Seriosuly, though, is Mr. Wolfowitz feeling the wrath of Euro-anger at his role in the Iraq war- is that what this is all about? Do I care? not really, I don't care if Mr. WOlfowitz is Jewsish or Mexican or Arab or Eskimo, he can go. Just go.


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