Monday, May 26, 2008

Post Titled:
Charlotte Roche

I might've embedded this video of her on Harald Schmidt about a year ago, but it is great, anyhow... just read that FEUCHTGEBIETE is being translated to English for release in the UK... one issue that comes up though is the translation of the title- because off the top of my head "feucht"= moist, damp and "Gebiet"= area... hmm, the article suggested "wetlands" and the ever-lovin' (which I am not a fan of just because ALL my coworkers use and recommend it -like a cult) says that "Gebiet"= territories or tracts (??) (DETOUR: "OH cool, I am so glad someone took the time to make this page" actually, the whole Pinkerton FX site is great, reminds me of 7th grade, only cooler. RETURN:) yahoo!'s babblefish (ehrrrm babel fish - my favorite) gives us the translation "humid areas" but these do not have the punch of "feuchtgebiete". Gotta love the German language for being able to sucker-punch you in the face like that all the time. Hmm, we had a review copy at work... where'd it go...

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