Friday, February 29, 2008

post Titled: as i mentioned... or did not mention

Jens Lekman has a minimal yet content-rich little blog.
He is a Swedish musician who Manü was playing incessantly (songs with names like "I'm Leaving You Because I Don't Love You") for us in LA last December and now I keep listening to him... I think he might have the best MYSPACE page ever. right?


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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Post Titled:

Sculptor and performance artist Jody Wood has a new website full of goodness. Do check.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Post Titled:
Articles you could read because my blog is very thin on content these days.
Resident Berliner and Friend Adam Joachim Goldmann has recently written a few great pieces during the recent Berlinale:
1.Green Porno review for WIRED "Coming Soon to a Cellphone Near You: Isabella Rossellini Mounting a Housefly"
2. Michel Gondry interview for the New Republic AND
3.The Science of Michel Gondry for the New Republic


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Google Book Search

Monday, February 25, 2008

Post Titled: ReGifted and UnTalented.
0.der(?) Wildfang = tomboy
1.Ohio Hai, Hai="shark."
2.doll= "a lot"
3.Paul skyped me the Broken Social Scene album "You Forgot it in People" which is almost all I have been listening to... that and Jens Lekman.
4.Usually things I add-to or create in wikipedia get blastered into spacedust by the wikinazis.
5...kind of just want to be nowhere and responsibility-lesssss lately...
6.This American Life episode 349: Valentine's Day 2008
7.Heute bin ich von nichts enttäuscht...


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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Post Titled: TAGS
just to take a step back and sponge it all in: here are all of my tags from my del.ici.ous acct...your
! "In "The & (and + - -- / 10 2 2.0 2007 2008 2008, 3 4 8 : :: a about Absinthe across ad adbusters adn Advertising against Agent Agentur air airline albert All Am america America's American An Anatomy and Andrew Android Apartment Apple Are Area Army Art ARTE Article articles artist Artists Arts as at Australian Author Award Awards away Baby Bad BARACK BBC be Beirut believe berlin Berlin: Berliner BEST Bhutto big Bike BIKINIRAMA bill black Blackwater blog blogger blogging blogs Bob Bobby Bohn Book Books Brain Branson british Brussels, Bullshit Burning Burson Burson-Marsteller Bush Business but by California campaign can Carrie cartoon Case Cat Center CFO Chad Chaikin Chart Child Children Chinese Chuck Church Cinema city climate Clinton club Colbert Comedy Communication Communications companies Company comparison competition computer Conference Contact contacts Contemporary contest Contest: corporate Could Count Crash Crazy Creative crisis Cultural culture Cure cut Czech Daily Das data David day dead Death Def definition Der Design Details deutsch Deutsche deutschland Developing dewitt Did Die Digital directors directory Disaster disease Dish Do documentary Don't Dorine Down download Dr. drawing Dreaming Drug E.A. East edelman Edy effects einer end English Entertainment episode EU EUROPA Europe european Eurozine every Everything Eye Facebook Fair Fake Fantasy fashion FBI Features February festival film Final Find Fine finest firefox first football Footprint for foto fotos Found Foundation Fox france Francisco Freakonomics free Freie Friends from future FUTURELAB für Gadget Galerie Galleries Gallery Gamble Game games General Genius George georgia german germany Get gets giant Girl Gives Global GM Good Google Grave Guardian Guide has HAVE Head Health Heath helen hello Help her Hillary hip hip-hop His Home hop Hot hotels How Huffington Hunter Hurley I Iceland image Images in Inc. Industry info Information innovation innovative inside Institute Integrationsplan Interactive International Internet internship internships interview into iPhone iPod iran Iraq is Israeli ist it iTunes J. James Jamie JAN Jennifer Jesi JESSICA Job Jobs john Jona Journal journalist juan Justin Kalle kanye Karambolage Karl keen Kerry Khadivi kids know Kultur Kunst la Lab language laptop Lasn Lawrimore Le Learn Ledger Lee leonard Life like List live loans logo London Love low Lund LYRICS MAGAZINE magic Man Map Marketing ME media Michael Million MIT movie music MySpace National Network neue New News Night not Nuclear NY Obama of official old on One onion online Over Page paintings paul per phone Photo Photography photos Plan Politics post PR pr, President Press Print Project Public Radio Ramstein RAT real relations republic Research resources Reuters Review Richard San Science Scott Seattle secret Service SEX shall Shot show site skype So social SONY spiegel Star State Stephen Stranger Studies Study TAR tarartrat technology Telegraph Text Than That the things This Times to tod Top UK und University Universität Unlimited US Use video Videos Visual von vs. we Web website Week Well Welle west What whitehot Wildfires will Wired with Without wodicka women World Yacht York You you're young Your youtube | « » —


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Post Titled: show and tell.
Post Subtitled: music that produces a loud pang of Heimweh...
On Tuesday I went to see
a girl from Seattle play a show, she goes by the name of
- (quite) unfortunately, I was (un/)voluntarily held-up at a previous engagement (by this one pair of eyes that I have difficulty tearing myself away from) and arrived just before the last song – called Swastika, which is like being quietly and gently draGGED through 10 minutes of grueling schönheit, if I could implant it here i would, I love it and then a part of it was just- well- being so happy to be in the same room with someone from Seattle. Dumb, perhaps, but I just felt calm and safe for a short while... and I also try to imagine the setting of this music in my mind- to build an environment for it, somtimes somewhere besides the (what seems to be) nightime campfire on a San Juan island album cover, and somtimes not...perfect to fall asleep to, - sounds like it could be applied to any cold-ish forelorn/myserious Northern landscape or post-war railroad or couple working hard in the fields or... or better yet: music as if Dr. Zhivago wasn't campy.
I could do nothing bust stand just inside the doorway on account of the space being so full. A bit akward for my but not unpleasant. Right after she finished playing she sort of strode off into the crowd of the very very full bar/cafe (Hanswurst?) had to pee badly, and bumped into her putting her gituar back in the case in the hall where the restrooms were,

„Hey,“ „Hi“ (shaking hands)
„The last time I saw you was at the Mars bar with Michael Vermillion in Sept. 2006.“ I try to explain, her brows kind of furrow in thoughtful confusion-
„That was two days before I moved to Berlin...“
„Oh, ...oh, weird-!...what are you doing here?“

„Journalist-artist.“ I mumble.
„I don’t understand...“

„Uhm, dayjob: journalist but I do art also.“
thinking:(Is that even true anymore? Do I even draw or paint anymore? I am always too tired or braindead from work! Jesus...)
„Ja, I think I wrote you to say that your cd was like 25 bucks in the store here“
„I remember that- I wonder why it is so expensive...“
„Exchange rate is shit.“

Then I sort of paniked and said something like „well, good luck on tour!“ and ran off.
Honestly, It was just nice to see a kind of creature I was truly familiar with. This petit girl with a very lovelytragic voice is singing from a part of the world that I know. We probably (er, definitely) know a few of the same people- so for a few minutes as she was singing and then later as we were talking I felt anchored. I felt that there was somthing happening in the room that -mainly due to language barriers and geography- that I had an upper-hand in understanding every part of- every word and pick apart the meaning. I mean, who knows, perhaps there were other people in the audience from the Pasific NorthWest who have seen her before... maybe not. (you can listen to some of her songs HERE)
Overall things are going well, I am spending a lot of time speaking German with my co-worker, who doesn’t really speak English, so now I sometimes end up thinking and dreaming in German, which is a very new thing.
The u-bahn station at Eberswalder was absolutely packed with German teenagers on a school trip. They clogged the only döner stand buying overpriced shots of shit vodka and doing boy-girl-flirt-loud fun-looking things to each other. I had 8 minutes to kill before the train, so I waited in line amongst them and got a €1,50 veggie döner ... listened to the Digable Planets all the way home on the train still surrounded by jumpy loud 15-year olds giggling and kidding each other and calling and texting... I probably seemed boring to them sitting there with my spießer haircut, black wool jacket and grey leather gloves... bobbing my head to old hip-hop... actually excited at the prospect of 6 hours of sleep.

I just realized that I am MySpace friends with Jonathan Meese...yuk! what the hell, when did that happen? I am sooo tired of and exhausted by Myspace... it just beats up my eyes every time.

The dreams I have had for years keep happening, where I am in cities that are really a mixture of two cities, i.e. Havana+Washington D.C. oder Paris+Seattle, Berlin+Venice... and navigating them is extremely schwer... and we are always seeking some evasive person or impossible to find solution to some project problem...


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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Friday, February 15, 2008

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Post Titled: Odd Normal Stuff...
I get this email notification from the washington post (even though I have unsubscribed 3 times now) - it is a notice of a live feed "VIDEO: Bernanke, Paulson to Discuss Economy
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will give a Senate panel..." ok, should pay attention, sure whynot- so I go to the site and it is a live feed of a door guard... 15 minutes and counting... I just let it run... all he's done is open a door... once. What is he thinking... does he know I am watching him in my apartment in Berlin... nööööööö... why is this being livestreamed...

then 5 minutes of obscure torture regulation grilling and then... a very long shot of people setting up a stage... for over 20 minutes "I wouldn't dance on it, but it'll hold..."

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Google Book Search

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Post Titled: Ever since seeing Romancing the Stone at a very young age I have found KATHLEEN TURNER both fascinating and heartbreaking.
The post continues further in/on ELECTROPEASANT... (click that)...


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Post Titled: Quote.
"I concede that the United States has had a competent African-American president in the huge black guy from the The Fifth Element, who did great things for this country by keeping the evil Mr. Zorg at bay. But that is years from now. There is no denying that by 2236, when we have flying taxicabs, this country will be ready for a black president. But until then, if we want life in this great land to continue as we know it, we owe it to ourselves to make the right choice and reelect Kevin Kline."
thanks Onion and thaks Dan!


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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Post Titled: Van Gogh Cezanne Monet Degas HEIST

BBC: "Gang robs Zurich of top paintings"

and all this time I thought nothing ever happened in Switzerland...


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Post Titled: It is with great sadness that I title this Post:
Roy Scheider dies at age 75
R.I.P., tough guy...

More from the BBC here.


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Post Titled:
"AirMail" Manila Macbook Air Vinyl Sleeve

Post Subtitled: (clever little devils, aren't they.) (yes I stole the imge off your site and yes -this is free advertising, not that you need it...)
Ok, so a few months back Jona Bechtolt (a.k.a. YACHT promised to do an interview with me - but he has been busy, (no hard feelings) and is now even busier making:
by the way, -as mentioned- for any clueless geeks who may come across this post, Jona is the brains behind Yacht and half the brains behind the BLOW


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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Post Titled: Artyness on YouTube
Oliver Guy-Watkins exploring the area and people surrounding the new Damien Hirst studio location for Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary art

Big Shot Magazine presents A Human
Wall Of Sound's latest signings, A Human, interviewed by UK Editor Oliver Guy-Watkins and performing an exclusive live track.

Tonight for dinner I had bitter Dutch hot chocolate alternated with a spicy chinese soup from a can... this combinations was senseless but somehow satisfying,...


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Post Titled: πάντα χωρίς κομπολόι at the End of Suburbia...
I met some wonderful Greeks yesterday, I think I just love Greeks, ther ability to apply a song to nearly any situation, their insistance that you stay and have a good time, their talking freely about things/topics that most Europeans would never bring up... γειάσου "Ευγένεια"! είστε μια πριγκήπισσα της ζωής! Pleas eexcuse my Babelfish Greek. Even if it is incorrect, I just like the way it looks...& I have been known to suffer from Modern Grecophilia... from time to time.

Ok, so this clip was in the middle of a NY TImes article today, and I thought the severity of it to be kind of funny somehow, and odd that just as the suburban lifestyle is getting hold all over the globe we woud put out a film about how it is unsustainable/must be stopped/another great evil of our time... granted, having lived in a framing village and in major urban centers for the past 15 years I can laugh and point from my high horse... and feel nothing, I guess- just feel removed.


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Friday, February 08, 2008

Post Titled: A far cry from Supercuts.
I need to go somewhere else to get my haircut, I really like Mustafa down on the Arab end of Sonnenallee but he makes me look like a faschist every single time. This self imposed indecision has lead to a delay -a paralyzing indecision- which has caused me not to get a haircut in a very long time, so I now I am starting to look like Willy Beamish...
I started going to Mustafa because he is inexpensive and stays open fairly late. The barber shop is small, three or four haricutting chairs and a back waiting room with a TV up in the corner which constantly plays bollywood dance-dramas, surprisingly racey top ten arab music videos and wierd soap operas from unidentifiable countries. Guys smoke, chat, dissapear into the back room with old men, (smoke hash?), twiddle their thumbs...
I sit there fliping through the local weekly papers, mostly full of crazy/gawdy photoshopped ads for local eateries, travel agencies and furniture stores. It is technically first-come, firt-serve, but often it is the case that the tough guys who show up after I do seem to think they have priority, which becomes akward- considering I am the only white guy ever there.
Most of the guys coming to get a haircut look like they just got a haircut earlier the very same morning, it caters to supershort and supergroomed locals, guy kind of like local YouTube star Tiger:

When I first went to get a haircut there we were chatting and of course:
"Woher kommst du eigentlich?"
"Ahh, ursprunglich aus Kalifornien..."
"Also, Amerikaner-!" (pause, he stops cutting hair and stands looking at me in the mirror)"Wir haben kein problem, oder-?"
"Nay, die Politik hat absolut nichts mit uns zu tun."
"ahh, gut." (resumes cutting.)
Overcame that little hurdle fairly smoothly- he's Lebanese, I'm American and the politics of our two countries truly do not matter, oder? No. Good to get theat out in the open and out of the way.
But still, I can't get short-cropped faux-rufio-hawk or gangster haircut like all his other clients, it just doesn't work... so sadly, I have to go somewhere else... but where?... I' probably just keep going back anyhow, out of some strange sense of loyalty- besides, will any other haircut I can find for €10 in Kreuzberg be any better? Probably not.
Still, the Turkish love of Bollywood films and stars is always baffling to me, but it exists...


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Post Titled: ?

So, I applied to be in an art show... at what I thought was a serious event... and then... well, this is the response I got:



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Google Book Search

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Post Titled: Kate Bush - ahead of her time? Probably.


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BIKINIRAMA Austellung: Frankfurter KUNSTRÄUMEN 14.2.2008

Es ist uns eine große Ehre, dass wir Teil der neuen Ausstellung in den Frankfurter KUNSTRÄUMEN sein werden. Die KUNSTRÄUME werden kuratiert von Gabriele von Lutzau, der
heldenhaftesten aller Amazonen.
Wir laden Euch hiermit recht herzlich zur Vernissage ein :
Am Donnerstag, den 14. Februar 2008 um 19:00 Uhr.
BIKINIRAMA zeigt dort Fotos, Bewegtbilder, Videoarbeiten und eine
Installation, die während der Vernissage entsteht und dokumentiert wird.
Unsere Aktionskunst beginnt pünktlich um 20 Uhr.
Die KUNSTRÄUME befinden sich in der Guiollettstraße 54 im Herzen des
Frankfurter Westends - 5 Minuten von der Alten Oper entfernt.


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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Google Book Search

Post Titled: _______
BBC: "The city medical examiner's spokeswoman said Ledger died "as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects" of the different drugs.
They include painkiller Oxycontin and anti-anxiety drugs Valium and Xanax."


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whitehot | February 2008, SIGNA: The Dorine Chakin Institute
article by me.HERE


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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Post Titled: An unnecessary post to tide me over until my nerves settle adn brain agrees to funtion again...
is still seriously wierd is like... like... well, hmm.
how did we come across this troll-man Mortiis
(thanks for research and reminders from Dan Le Ray and John Mumm
note, for one day only I am changing the blog name to:


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Monday, February 04, 2008

Post Titled: Paul Diddy New music/videos from Paul Tyree-Francis a.k.a Paul Diddy

"Außer betrieb / Call of the Wild"


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Normally I wouldn't post a press release to the blog, but this is an exception:
PDL is proud to announce the release of their first unauthorized audio tour of the Seattle Art Museum.
This limited edition compact disc with accompanying legend offers an imaginative and often hilarious perspective into the SAM's permanent collection.

Unlike sanctioned tours provided by many major institutions, this audio tour was designed to be listened to on your personal, portable handheld device. Buy it, burn it, and pass it on. PDL welcomes you to copy this tour as many times as you like. Post it on your website, loan it to a friend, handout copies at work.
Since the permanent collection is in constant rotation, this tour is time sensitive and relevant only as long as the works stay on display.

Hear PDL approach the works of Duchamp, Beuys, Flavin and Pollock. From the Italian Room to Inopportune, this diverse tour presents the Seattle Art Museum in a light that you will never forget. Whether you have never been to the new SAM or know the galleries with your eyes closed, the PDL Unauthorized Audio Tour is an 80 minute roller coaster ride for the whole family. Okay- no kids, it is definitely not for kids.

Where can you pick one up? The PDL Unauthorized Audio Tour is only available through EARL 3.0 - The Robotic Art Dealer, currently residing at the Hideout on First Hill. The compact disc and accompanying map is $10.00 while supplies last. This is an edition of 50 with only 25 available to the public.
The Hideout is located at 1005 Boren Avenue (at Madison) and open Monday through Friday 4:00 pm to 2:00 am, Saturday and Sunday 6:00 pm to 2:00 am. More information on the Hideout:
More information on the PDL audio tour:


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Post Titled: wonderful world of animals not only LOST but OBLITERATED in Translation...
Post Subtitled: uhm, FREE IS WORTHLESS...nöö, or is it just (somtimes) already paid for? Free is already paid for or wouldn't pay anyway... ?

Anomaly Opener:
Erdhörnchen = literally: ground squirrel (so is it a Praerie dog or groundhog?!?)
Eichhörnchen = squirrel (literally oak squirrel)
hörnchen = crescent (as in the shape of a crescent)

der Schimmel = the Mould (mold, as in icky green/white/black growth) OR a white stallion.
"Why is there a specific word for a white horse?"
"I don't know..."
"Is there a word for a black one?"
"Ja. Der Rappe."

So, in my attempts to unravel thes Germanomalies I go to wikipedia to try to figure out more about this eich/erdhörnchen dilemma... as in what exactly are we talking about here?... which one of God's effing creatures is it? not much help though
EXHIBIT Erdhörnchen 1
EXHIBIT "Echte Erdhörnchen" (the "real ground squirrel")
Oh wait-!, and then there are Präriehunde!?! Literally translated as "praerie dogs"!
EXHIBIT Präriehunde and the real nail in the coffin is the HöRNCHEN page!... then there is the unidentifiable Schönhörnchen page... it just goes on and on...
murmeltiere... are they "rodents"? what a nightmare of mis/understanding. I thought I knew what animals were called. So much for that.

On antoher note.---

Ever since figuring out (thanks George!) how to download torrents from Zamunda I just download 2 or more movies a day now, in fact it has gotten to the point where I watch about 10% of the total that I download... hm. But shit, I got There Will Be Blood, American Gangster, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Beowulf, Die Hard 4.0, and a few other s all in one weekend. I press a few buttons and walk away and zoom- an hour or so later there is a movie in my computer, crazy.
I have no guilt because I would never actually pay- (well, wait, ok, I would see some of these movies in the theatre)- (and I would still like to, and I tried renting some of them but they are always checked out or whatever), sooo... I am not doing this to spite anyone or leech off of Hollywood, Hollywood will get about the same amount of my money whether I do this or not, because the likelihod that I will actually seek out and rent most of these films is slim. (Ahm, Ok, when NK was out of down I did rent Die Hard 4.0 and really liked it. But, -in that case- if I have already put some money towards it- well, towards the Video World on Kottbusser Damm who rented it to me- then, I have contributed and really feel no guilt whatsoever downloading it)...
When I was younger, about 95 percent of my home video collection and every other family I knew were copied VHS movies from rentals or friends copies of rentals which we copied, of course with those one had to worry about losing an entire generation of quality, then futher and further if a copy of a copy was made. Then the tape would die after a few viewings... Weird, I had also forgotten that. A Mormon family of 9 we were friends with had their entire video collection typed up in alphabetical order adn printed out on that really long paper (when printers cranked paper out like a cash register reciept) with the hole-punched tear-off sidestrips used to feed it through the printer... What was that called?

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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Post Titled: scans from QUICK magazine, 1978


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Post Titled: ORHWüRM
I have had this song stuck in my head daily for the past several months, which makes me wonder if my brain is corretly wired:

Yacht - So Post All 'Em


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Friday, February 01, 2008

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Post Titled: "nothing's shocking" is just a Jane's Addiction album title.
WHOOOOAAA article, Whooaaahhh...
ok, first of all- I had no idea that Alec Baldwin contributed to the Huffington Post and second of all how could someone be so %/"$&"ing stupid to print this- (not Alec, someone else):
thanks to hot-tipper Daniel F. Le Ray for sending this link
ALSO, this project called Breaking the Silence by Israeli troops isn't exactly somthing you come across every day.
Photo exhibit:
February 9 - February 24
The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia
Opening Night Reception on Saturday, February 9 at 7 pm

March 1 – March 16
Harvard University's Whitehead Center for International Studies
1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
Opening Night Reception on Saturday, March 1 at 7 pm


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a tasty spectacle from Seattle-based photographer Clayton Joyner click for enormous version (copyright 2008 Clayton Joyner, contact: claytonryanimages(at)


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