Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Comm Balls and a Half Me

Comm Balls half me, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

This was an accident done with a timer. So windy actually... I am not a photographer.

Google Book Search

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Post Titled: Oh, the Germanity!
Post Subtitled: tiny Musings of American ignorance
SO, Check of the current Austrian Administration of Bundeskanzler Alfred Gusenbauer, and -Minister of Women?? Whole other world... österreich, what the hell do they do down there?
Over dinner I brought this topic up with NK, and it was interesting to see her reaction-
"How SHOULD politicians look?" she said.
"Well, I dunno..."
"and what do you mean 'what do they DO there?'?"
"I just mean that I can't imagine a day in the life of an Austrian-"
"It is not so different than here or the US or Canada, you know, they live and eat and shit and work just like everywhere else. Open your mind!"
"I'm just saying that I can't imagine what it would be like..."
Because i can't. Being Austrian or Canadian or Vietnamese, it is impossible to imagine.. I know it sounds simple and dumb...
Maybe sometimes I just need to close my mind.-


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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Post Titled: INdeed, (this is the third post this morning!)
TASH sent me a sad email with a great quote at the end:

"All Artists are willing to suffer for their work. But why are so few
prepared to learn how to Draw?"


Google Book Search

Post Titled: Speaking of wierd new Pornography...
This is captivating, the voice, the slow-mo, completely hypnotizing.


Google Book Search

Post Titled: Check Check, 1, 2
just before I got straight sucked into Second life like Jeff Bridges did in TRON Nigel swooped in with this tasty reality check: GET A FIRST LIFE, so good.

On that note, I am explaining the whole thing to Nadine last night, whose face is just twisted in confusion "Yes, but what is the POINT?!"
"Ah... well, it is... well"
the only answer I could come up with was that Second Life was fun and entertaining and you could FLY, and it was surreal and beautiful...
"But why should I have fake clothes and a fake house in my fake life?!"
Yea, good question...
It is better than TV because it is interactive, buit not better than a good film... just watched Somersault again yesterday, so effing gorgeous. That little dance KILLS me.

Nadine asked "What means Somersault"
"Like we talked about the other day- (?)-uh-baum.."
"Ah, putzelbaum."
"Right, but what do these words MEAN?"
"Ah... well, Summer and salt... Sommersalz."
"But it isn not spelled like this, it is spelled completely differently-"
She had me there, I have no idea what SOMMERSAULT or Somersault or summersalt means...or how you really spell it...

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Forgot my nametag... damn.

-19, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

Second Life is some wieeeeerd sh*t. Really, I met this tiny green dragon out front oa a traditional Bavarian house who grew and morphed into a huge monster with three heads and a sign hanging from his neck that said "FREE HUGS" and he gave me one,... spent hours floating around wasted surrealistic retail districts, shopping places and deserted islands... hello...?

Google Book Search

Post Titled: TAR Acronym in Second Life
I have an art show of Feb.4, 2007 in Second Life at the Art Loft, therefore I had to create a avatar, so this is my digital self: GOTTA LOVE THOSE HOLLOW EYES!

I got fat for a minute, then thin agian, tehn messed my face all up kept the pink shirt but fell off a cliff, got lost in the woods then learned to fly, kind of... those snapshots failed to send,

oh, jeez - virtual world SCI-FI WIERDNESS!!!!


Google Book Search

Post Titled: A day in the life in reverse.
Subtitled: pardon the ego.
I took a minute or two here and there to foto and video the moments of freetime during an average 9am-9pm workday.
End of workday:

Hallesches Tor U-Bahn station, from Job 1 to Job 2 and later, home again, 6:05pm and 9:05 pm

Out the window at work, snowfall, Checkpoint Charlie Tourists "can you take a foto, yea, yea just press the silver button" a couple times a week, 11:30am:

Hermannplatz, first station... 8:30am

Walk to work during the first snowfall of winter:

Waking up, the roof across the Hof out the kitchen window:


Google Book Search

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Post Titled: Why education might have to change very soon...
becuse of things like PHUCK SCHOOL. why bother writing a paper? oh, internet, you lazy-making beast! heh.
ok, only gotta minute, back to work.
oooh, Marshall McLuhan has a website, even though he died in 1980. Internet, now isn't that a bit creepy?..
Google Book Search

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Post Titled: Berlin Berlin
Post Subtitled: I'd like to thank the members of the academy, and...
It was freeeeezing freeeeeezing cold today, dog poop was even frozen in little pellets on the sidewalk so when I accidentally kicked it it rolled away (but to my dissapointment did not shatter)
I got out of work, went to the library and got Kurosawa's RAN (still haven't seen) renewed Schwarze Früling (Black Spring) by Henry Miller, and a few others.
At work I got a copy of today's Financial Times in German, and after work and 2nd work I was back on the U-Bahn (subway) with my big black hood still on becuase it was so damn cold and halfway between Mehringdamm and Hermannplatz I realized that people were staring at me, probably because I looked like some ghetto-ass kid hiding under a hood totally absorbed in ePlus#s rate hikes behing the pale salmon-colored pages of FT.
Please allow me to get mushy here:
Thanks to some help from my friends (MANÜ, VERN! everybody who bought a painting: Amber H., Jer J., Susanne J., Shivani P., J.Scott, J. Telly and BF, Tim & Brenda, Ms. Bagnaschi -THANKS PEOPLE! shit, am I leaving anyone out? Mr. Mumm, where u at?) life and this transition might just be ok afterall... and certain doom(s) avoided...long story. BUT THANK YOU ALL!
"I get by with a little help from my friends" (you know that one)

Amazingly enough during an encounter(well, first an phone conversation with Rob whose question was "HOW did you get angemeldet, you have to have a VISA to do that?!" and then David, the Swedish guy at 2nd job "Oh, how'd you get a tax number?!" I have no idea... but with these two things I can live and work in Germany and for the ime being that is all that matters... I have no idea how the heck it all happened... but that is everone's story here
"How are you able to be here???"
"Uh, well, I don't know- I just... am, kind of..." ahm... ja.

Berlin Berlin.
Wierd to be a real live immigrant...
Ok, and to top this sappy post off here is some sappy Justin Timberlake, on these cold, wet gray days I have ben listening to the CD Future Sex/Love Sounds that nadine bought me as a joke for christmas and I hance and sing a bit in the U-Bahn and down the street and on elevators and all is well in the world before and after the 12 hour workdays around this harsh and lovely city... so here it is, say cheese:

DISCLAIMER: John, I KNOW it is bad!
Whoa, this old guy just walked into the Turkish-owned internet cafe where I sit and started shouting "Heil Hitler!!", then stumbled out but had he stayed any longer everyone in the room was on the edge of their seats ready to jump him... heeeectic.


Google Book Search

Post Titled: Wierd, how did I end up HERE?
Meanwhile the time-bomb is clicking for our move... and I keep waking up every day thinking "Hmm, today can't possibly be as difficult as yesterday" but it usually is...
good thing I have Nadine, that is a saving grace.
Google Book Search

Monday, January 22, 2007

Post Titled: Babel on
Nadine and I went to see Babel last night at the Sony center, (Postdamer Platz no less) and mey the wreckage of a post-red carpet event of the premiere of the new Luc Besson film Arthur (doesn't that main CGI girl charachter look famialr- that red hair, hmm...) anyhow, Babel was beautiful and disturbing and made me sad and cry 3.5 times about how life (early in the 21st century) can be so completely whack, but lovely... actually. Wow, amazing criticism there, wow- ok, give me a break, I have a splitting headache and it is Monday morning- and if the Blood Diamond pissed off the African Diamond industry I'd imagine the Morroccan Tourism board is probably pretty steamed by now as well...

Lessons learned/affirmed:
1.Kids, regardless of where in the world they are, shouldn't play with Japanese men's hand me down rifles.
2.Japanese girls should - uh, no idea. Japan scares me.
3.Brad Pitt ... uh... Looks older.
4.People need to chill the #$&% out.
5.Middle class white kids should probably just stay home and watch tv adn play video games.
there. my amazing expert opinion.


Google Book Search

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Post Titled: No, CHristie, YOU are an inspiration.
Post Subtitled: I can be such an a**hole

Long story shorter, about a year-and-a-half ago I made a mock Myspace acct for Christian Superstar artist Thomas Kinkade "The Painter of Light"(because they wouldn"t allow me into his mobile exhibit our front of Westlake Center even though it was free admission to the public and I was being polite) Every now and then (pretty often actually) Mr. Kinkaide's Myspace acct. recieves a message like this:

you are an inspiration
Hello Mr. Kinkade. My name is Christie and I am a true fan of your work. From your books to your beautiful paintings. Thank you for sharing your work in our crazy world and giving inspiration to us all. God Bless.

Christie Scott

If Mr. Kinkaide weren"t such a pompous rich hack I might actually feel bad,,, but as it is I just feel bad for people who like his paintings. HAHAHAHAHHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHA. oop, just lost some karma points, shit.
you can view my Mr. Kinkaide"s Myspace acct by clicking HERE.

Damn I hope this hits high on Google.


Google Book Search

Friday, January 19, 2007

Post Titled: What do you do in your free time?

P.S. Thanks Vern.

ooh, oooh, oooh, I just got a message from Scientology, how exciting!
see below:



Recently, you visited our website to see about what Scientology is all about and byour free Personality Test. It seems that you want to improve something in your life or help someone else so it understandable you would show an interest in Scientology.

It is our pleaseure to inform you of a new DVD presentation by L. Ron Hubbard himself, where he answers all FAQs about Scientology Dianetics.

DVD interview with the Founder of Scientology
Introduction to Scientology DVD
in May 1966 Mr. Hubbard gave his only filmed interview, which has now been restored frame by frame, encompassing thousands of man hours to accomplish.

The result is a crystal clear presentation, literally bringing L. Ron Hubbard into your life.

In this 45-minute interview L.Ron explains how he arrived at discoveries on the mind, spirit and life and answers those most commonly asked questions:

* Is the mind just a blank slate for Scientology to fill with their SCI-FI whackness?

* Who do these Scientologists think they are exactly?

* How does Scientology compare to other religions when it comes to preying on the weak-minded?

* What is the practical application of Scientology to the "average man on the street" besides robbing him blind?

If you've always felt that there must be workable answers somewhere or there must be a way for you to be the person you always wanted to be — there is. As thousands of brainwashed people have discovered, Scientology has answers and tools that you can apply to change conditions in your life MAINLY BY SHELLING OUT TONS OF DOUGH, handing over your life to us and, in some cases, your firstborn child.

Take this opportunity and gain your own understanding of what Scientology is from L. Ron Hubbard himself. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain:

Click here to get your own copy of the DVD

Click here to find out more


Andras Tompa
Materials Consultant
Bridge Publications, Inc.
Call: 1-800-722-1733

No longer copyrighted © 2007 Bridge Publications, Inc. All rights reversed.
For copyright and trademark information.

No need for a privacy policy.

Dianetics is a trademark and service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is not used with its permission. Bridge Publications, Inc. is a registered trademark and service mark in California and is owned by Bridge Publications, Inc.

Mailed from Bridge Publications, Inc.
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and speaking if scientology here is Nadine doing a reading of the back of the DVD Minority Report:

word. yea, she smokes sometimes.


Google Book Search

no idea what this is, just putting it here for a moment until can figure it out...
[Valid Atom 1.0]
this too:


Google Book Search

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Post Titled: TOLL
THe word "toll" in german means "great" as in "das ist aber toll!"
and in english means something to the extent of "taxing", as in
"it took a toll on- blah blah"
so that is the work of the week. One week now of these 12-hour days is great because I am working 2 jobs but I am a zombie...
Just need to sleep more.


Google Book Search

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Post Titled: small graffitti tour
Found art on an electrical panel is pretty cool:

and in the U-Bahn, the layers of peeling posters adn a dumpster:


Google Book Search

Friday, January 12, 2007

Post Titled: (untitled)
I just went to my first art opening since leaving Seattle in October and was completely bored. It was loud, crazy and all the things a sucessful art opening could hope to be but I just couldn't have cared less. Fortunately I bumped into Alicia from work and her German BF, they were hilarious, but I... had more fun riding in the U-Bahn that being at that opening. THe steet, Bronnenstraße, was lined with about 6 openings, all young and fairly decent work... dunno, Iäm more interested in making work that anything having to do with galleries these days...
Was actually supposed to meet Amelia but after a half-hour I realized I was in the wrong gallery. I still don't know where I was exactly...


Google Book Search

Post Titled: On Bicycles and Black Folk

For my second job yesterday I spent a few hours calling Radiologists in the South (Montgomery, AL and Georgia mostly) and then on the bikeride home I realized that if there is one thing I truly miss about the United States it is African-Americans. There are plenty of Africans and plenty of Americans in Berlin but very few African-Americans. How many times on the phone did I hear "Hold on justa a second, Sugar- lemme think here..." sigh

For work I was pouring over the names in the DLD converence in Munich, ARIANNA Huffington, Luc Besson, Craig "Craigslist" Newmark. Great Lineup, reminded me of the TED Conferences Lineups, where even Bill Clinton will be speaking this year. What a beautiful thing- this congregation of brilliant/influential/innovative characters.

At the Library yesterday I checked out:

Garden State by Rick Moody (in German for Nadine)

Berlin, Berlin Staffel 1 (to watch something in the language)

Missy Elliott, Supa Dupa Fly, 1997

the Beta Band, Hereos to Zeroes (Nostalgic, but not that great)

Syd Barrett, The Madcap Laughs (Because it reminded me of John)


Schostakovich #10 (because I am not all that familiar with him.)

The library is a beautiful thing, and a delightful crapshoot- at that. Unlike the pressures of going to a bookstore and committing to one or two purchases, the library allows one to try out a full bag of media for free... just think about that: millions of books, movies, and music- for free. It is a wonder they haven't been forced shut down due to unfair business practices.

and damn- this Missy Elliot album is just right. I was afraid it would scream 90's, but it really doesn't- I've always wanted to listen to her, (mainly because she claims to have visions, like that Megaman video she did) but it never built up to the $14.99 desire.

Weist du? Hmm.
and here's that genius-ass video:
Enter: Library

ah, 1997...

On a local note, the weather was miserable (STRONG wind, rain) and the bicycle was on its last leg. It is an old dutch bike Nadine picked up from the Sunday Flohmarkt in Prenzlauerberg, and the chain fell off no less that 6 times so I decided to just walk the last %&§#ing quarter mile, when this Eastern European BMX guy just rolls up next to me and starts chatting about the chain being off the gear, then he puts it back on, getting his hands totally greasy, and suggests I ride with my weight over the front - then rides off along Hasenheide Volkspark. That is the nicest thing I can think of anyone having done (completely randomly and out of nowhere) in a long time. Bike is still 80 dead, though...

After 2 weeks of England and 2 days working with George (English-Greek) I have the word ìBrilliantî on the brain. I like this word, a good superlative.

Working these 12-hour days is particularly good for one's focus. Very: go-go-go...

And just HOW MANY late 90's hip-hop albums is Busta Rhymes featured on? Seriously, all of them?


Google Book Search

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Car Pizarria aranacina

Car Pizarria aranacina, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

almost forgot to include this: a bakery in Notting Hill, complete with Traubi

Google Book Search

Post Titled: This Week's THIS AMERICAN LIFE
(or was it last week's?) either way the show called SUPER (which you can listen to on the website) is a classic.
Meanwhile, these little pieces from Ira Glass on Youtube are pretty great:

Other than that-
nadine's blog site is up.

I started the Internship today. I like it. Very much.


Google Book Search

Monday, January 08, 2007

Google Book Search

Post Titled: Misverständnisse
So, I start work at Helios Media on Wednesday, this is good, although it is an internship and I don't get paid for the first month it is definitely a step in the right direction. Perpahs the folks are right, how sucessful can I really be in a country where I only speak the language "pretty well". After the interview they gave me a copy of the magazine I'll be working for (they publish 4 different magazines) and it is actually full of really intersting stuff, for example and article about how Information Builders used the World Cup to basically advertise themselves for free, and how there is a PR firm working for and operating within Second Life, who knew?... which gives me an idea... anyhow, hmm... can one be homeless in second life? Dunno. Can you surf the internet on Second Life, like some kind of wierd painting within a painting... is Gwenyth Paltrow's husband singing "We live in a virtual world, yea we do -yea we do" there? hmm... oh, crazy world...

Wierd, I was searching for "Second Life art dealers" on a computer HERE IN A GERMAN LIBRARY and the fourth hit on Google was a Stranger article about the Aqua Art Miami, which I didn't even blink an eye at it because I am so darn used to the familiarity of the Stranger and their articles and then I realized "Holy sh*t, Iäm in a library in Berlin and Google just spat the Stranger and Jen Graves and Carrie E.A. Scott right back at me..." and it was unbelievably wierd for about 10 seconds.

Ok, gonna go cry in some really cheap east German beer now or paint or something... I keep feeling like my own lack of focus, like A.D.D. or A.D.H.D (if I actually believed in those things) is a huge curse and will plague me forever... or at least as long as I am trying to do something with myself...


Google Book Search

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Post Titled: I hate to torture you, but...
Back by request, another ridiculous dance video, and my foot isn't feeling too hot, so I kept it kind of simple... to Talib Qweli

Meanwhile, here is a great summary of a conversation the other night:
Situation: Nadine and I are walking home from the U-Bahn after the flight back from London.
NK: I want some wine. (reffering to the Spätkauf Turkish-owned little shop, one of hundreds in Neukölln that are about the size of your kitchen)
PT: Uh, darling I donät thinkthey have good wine there... (I say this because on two occasions I bought awful Serbian wine- like rust and sugar.)
(She walks in anyhow)
NK: (to shopkeeper, a really nice guy who seems to be there 20 hours a day and keeps a parakeet uo in the corner) Can you reccomend a good wine here? (reffering to the wine-beer-soda-juice and potatochip wall)
Shopkeeper: Ahhhh, yes, this is a goo one-
NK: Oh... do you drink wine?
Shopkeeper: Ah, no I actually drink no alcohol.


Google Book Search

Friday, January 05, 2007

sculpture of a dog

sculpture of a dog, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

back in Berlin, all is hectic and uncertain but I do have a job interview on monday with a media/design firm, DRüCK MIR DIE DAUMEN!
above is a dog that I sculpted btu then didn't end up using so... into the blog you go, dog!

Google Book Search

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Freedom Toilet Paper

Freedom Toilet Paper, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

wipe your bum with:

Google Book Search

Best game of Scrabble Ever, originally uploaded by TAR ART RAT.

Check it! The best game of SCRABBLE I've EVER played, woo-hoo! Nadine and I legitimately used ALL the letters, according to the Collins British English dictionary!!!

and there are chickens running around outside... very friendly.
Google Book Search

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Post Titled: Brave New Year Revisited

We joined 350,000 of our closest friends for New Year's Eve, wandeing through Hyde Park (which was deserted) to Buckinham Palace fro fireworks then encountering the crown finally at Picadilly Circus, which was kind of an entertaining mistake...

and another series ov overcrowded Underground rides:

Now we are back in the countryside bracing for the return to Berlin and massive problems... hooray.


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