Post Titled: The "I am the biggest Tool & Have Turned the Most of my Fellow Citizens Over TO THE AUTHORITIES Miss Germany" Competetion.
Post Subtitled: Fascism and Oppression of myself and others is/are my favorite hobbies.
Post Sub-Subtitled:ME THINKING: "OH- damn, I am back in Germany."
DIS CLAIMER: I know it isn't really "ok" for me to rail on the Germans and bash the national mentality, but in this blog everything is Fair Game -and sometimes there are just situations which must be reported...SKYPE Convesation this morning after my return from Prague, Jihlava, Vienna, return through Slovakia to Jihlava then Prague adn Back to Berlin using Trains, Busses and Automobiles: Mr. White: How was the train back?
TAR says: heyy, I was just writing you an email
TAR says: "thanks for the text, couldn't answer because the phone is drained- but ja, interseting voyage back, got home around 11 - smoothe trip
only issue was that I was leaving from Holesovice not the one where I arrived in Prauge but it was easy to figure out how to get there-
thanks again for everythign, it was really refreshing to be in Czech, I felt pretty good there in comparison to Berlin -at the moment, anyhow-"
Mr. White: Oh, shit... the other station.
Mr. White: I didn't even think to ask about that.
Mr. White:It is pretty close, though.
TAR says: three stops.ja, train ride - it was good, -well- weird- the trains started in Bratislava I think and all throughout the ride there was/were clashes between the Germans and Czech/Slovaks
Mr. White: On the train?
TAR says: ja, like the Germans all had reservations and the Czechs/Slovaks were just sitting anywhere, there were a lot of arguments
Mr. White: Culture misunderstanding... Czechs don't bother with such silliness.
TAR says: some funny situations, and some just sad. I was like "OH- damn, I'm definitely back Germany."
Mr. White: The Germans must have been driven nuts when they tried to rule this place.
Mr. White: They waste a lot of energy with their insistance on the rules...
TAR says: ja, especially if there are free unreserved seats everwhere- this one German girl stodd for 5 minutes practically yelling at an old man from Bratislava to get out of the seat that she has "reserved and paid for" and he jst brushed her off-
Mr. White: Nice. Old men should be able to do what they want... at least when it comes to seats on trains.
TAR says: she was such an honest-to-god
cunt, she was about 25years old and he was about 70-75, sitting quietly next to his wife
TAR says: she made him move across to another seat, huffing adn snorting the whole time even though about 30% of the seats in the train were free and unreserved, including the one she leaned on as she practially yelled at him for 5 mintes, scolding him like a child "I paid for that seat, it it reserved in my name, if you cna show me papers that says it is reserved in YOUR name you can stay there, otherwise you need to MOVE!" he didn't even speak German and she is yelling at him in German- a quiet old man
Mr. White: Maybe you could start acting like a Czech. It might influence the Germans positively.
TAR says: (she, not he)
TAR says: I actually had a similar issue, some women from Bratislava - well, one was sitting in my seat
Mr. White says: Did you have a reservation?
TAR says: Ja, I had a reservation- and I asked her if I was sitting in her seat, in which case it would be ok becasue then neither of us would be kicked out of our seats
Mr. White: Oh, right...
TAR says: but she misunderstood it as me wanting to sit in my seat adn sort o gave me a sideways look, like: "it really doesn't matter, does it" and I was like - "yea, totally. that is my automatically programmed robo-faschist brain training overtaking my humanity and it really doesn't matter" and then i felt like a spießer, grr. and I think all the Slovak women thought I wasa typical german faschist order- and-rule junkie
Mr. White: Ha, ha... maybe. Did you try English or German?
TAR says: german- well, both
TAR says: the train was aslo full of asians, some tourists adn some not
TAR says: that was unexpected- but the ride was beautiful, didn't see it on the way, but along the river with the cliffs and riverside villages, that is a great ride
Mr. White: German is seriously unpopular here now... I don't know if it's got to do with the history...
TAR says: I mean, it was dark on the trio there- so you couldn't see any of that
Mr. White: or if it's for other reasons...
Mr. White: There was an article on education here explaining how Spanish (an entirely useless language here) has surpassed German in popularity.
Mr. White:At some point, you've got to see the entire landscape.
TAR says: hm, well, if everyone in a train witnesses a girl (a girl with clothing like a uniform, tight monochrome-, a too-properly dressed student in long overcoat, pale with dark hair and with short straight-cut short bangs and tiny glasses) really
relentlessly bully an old couple, then - well, it doesn#t do much for the Germans' image abroad. I always try to take things like that into account- part of the reason why i wanted to talk to / help the Gypsy guy, -like, if our country is on everyone's shitlist worldwide then I kind-of (at least)want people to get a good impression of Americans on a personal level...
TAR says: whenever possibl.e
Mr. White says: I agree... Europeans can have some pretty fixed ideas...
TAR says: jaaa, don't we all. I mean,
TAR says: I got home and talked with NK about it
Mr. White: What's her opinion?
TAR says: well, she knows the Germans are like this... sort of agrees it is shitty, but that's about it...
Mr. White says: Hmm...
TAR says: I told her I could move further east. life in western europe, as in the USA... is kind of predicatble and meaningless at this point... could feel the vaccuum-suck as I moved steadily west...
Labels: train to berlin train slovakia Bratislava brno praha prague