ok, not my favorite YACHT song, but nevertheless...
YACHT - Summer Song from Jona Bechtolt on Vimeo.
B.C.... A.D.... P.G....
Beamed out of Berlin, welcome to the blog I've been calling "Post-Google" since 2005. I don't post too often anymore and the things I do post are written at odd hours or on my morning commute. This is not fine writing, these are in no way essays - just sketches of thoughts. Works for me.
"I'll send you a link."
Labels: ad for Sprint
Labels: Sarah Palin at Church with Pastor Thomas Muthee and witchcraft
Labels: Cheney, Guiliani, Republican National Convention 2004 feat. Bush, Schwarzenegger
Labels: 2008, Baader Meinhof Komplex opens today, Johanna Wokalek und Bruno Ganz Martina Gedeck in theatres across Germany, Sept. 25
Labels: Mrs. Palin New York Sun article speech Palin on Ahmadinejad: 'He Must Be Stopped
Labels: Polar bear Knut's keeper dies: Thomas Doerflein found dead in his Berlin
Labels: Barack Obama Bodysurfing Honolulu Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Saturday Night Live SNL
Labels: La bête est morte
Labels: Stephen Fry's Podgrams
Labels: youtube video Tiger erklärt den Ali-Inklusive Urlaub
Labels: Volksbühne ROTER SALON Michael Vermission Berlin RADIO EINS show Happy Sad
Labels: rize target commercial krump
found in a search for "Exchange"
also found in a search for "catapult" .... which is a good search term in flickr, by the way...
someone... turned a squirrel into a cupid...
(found searching "arrows")
probably. Ok, I have been at work too much this week, clearly getting a bit dumber.
found with "Distinct" search... (this was found due to a typo, should have been "District"
for work I am scouring flickr for images to match articles- so I#m just going to blog a few along the way since it only takes 5 seconds.
My thoughts on this: I usually prefer outsider art.
Labels: Nathalie Press, the Family Guy Star Wars episode Emily Blunt Seatle Filmfest "The Devil Wears Prada"
Hell's chickens at at Total Art Space mission, Lenauerstraße, Neukölln, Berlin september 13, 2008
Battlestar Kampfstern Galactica roman buck book 1980 found at flea market, love it.
went back to the Treptower Art Center flohmarkt yesterday (by Badeschiff/Arena,) love this place... I got a novelization of Battlestar Galactica from 1980 "Kämpfstern Galactica" which includes three stories "Die jngen Krieger" "Die Entdeckung der Erde" and "Zu Lebzeiten Legende"
Labels: John McCain Vietnamese
Labels: Sarah Palin ABC interview with Charlie Gibson part 1
Labels: Felicitas Woll Berlin Berlin Sarah Palin in an American Flag bikini with a rifle
Labels: BBC's BIG BANG blog CERN Brian Cox Danny Boyle's film snshine
Labels: Brangelina Palin Klaus Wowereit LHC Sally Quinn Rith Marcus Washington Post
Labels: 2008 NPR, August 29th, Fuck Parade Technoviking Douglas AdamsLarge Hadron Collider Set to Start Up Science Friday broadcast Friday
Labels: Christopher Guest McCain and Obama Respond to 'Community Organizer' Attack
Labels: John McCain volunteer
Labels: Battlestar galactica: Razor SuperBad Judd Apatow Freaks and Geeks
Labels: frackonomics freakonomics frack.