Going to camp in the woods for a few days now on account of Russ' wedding, hence- no postings.
Labels: Manifest Destiny
B.C.... A.D.... P.G....
Beamed out of Berlin, welcome to the blog I've been calling "Post-Google" since 2005. I don't post too often anymore and the things I do post are written at odd hours or on my morning commute. This is not fine writing, these are in no way essays - just sketches of thoughts. Works for me.
"I'll send you a link."
Labels: Manifest Destiny
Labels: Smurf UN UNICEF Commercial
Labels: die Hiltons Jessica Biel naked the Assimilated Negro the Screening Jock
Labels: Pamukkale
Labels: AIRe Global Cuisine the OC Newport Beach Califronia TAR ART RAT "Post-Google"
Labels: Venice Beach Lost Angeles Traffic Elliott Smith recording studio "Post-Google" TARARTRAT TAR ART RAT
Labels: Iraq Sandstorm امريكي يحجي بالعراقي تحشيش يخبل احسان وناهي أفضل مقطع لعملية قنص جندي أمريكي, Laffy Taffy, Wikipedia
Labels: Busta Rhymes
Labels: TAR ART RAT "Post-Google" drawings and paintings seattle berlin
Labels: Greg Boudreau's PROJECT 1042 www.project1042.com TAR ART RAT
Labels: Flight of the Conchords a New Zealand Spoof-FOlk duo
Labels: Helen DeWitt Secondhand Books
Labels: www.bordercrossing-berlin.com Paul Diddy Bordercrossing Berlin Paul Tyree-Francis
Labels: USA-Canada border control
Labels: James Harris Gallery, Seattle Carrie E.A. Scott WHITE GIRL by Rashid Johnson
Labels: Broadway, Jack in the Box Drive-Thru, Seattle TAR ART RAT "Post-Google"
Labels: Large Wild Boar Killed by 11-Year Old Stern Magazine Online
hey ALICIA- this is what I meant by Unsolicited Public Art Installation,
Seattle Waterfront
Samurai Jeff Ra and I woke up and trekked over to climb my favorite tree (aka arch nemesis) in Volunteer park. After several attempts to scale the base We did finally make it to the first branch and then all the way to the the top, jittery with adrenaline and swaying back and forth in the strong-ish wind, but you can get this view nowhere else, folks- seriously, this is THE best view in town: miles and miles of everything- Puget sound, all mountain ranges, water, Mt. Rainier, Bellevue, Lake Washington, etc. etc. Downtown Seattle . As mentioned before (perhaps many times) I have only successfully climbed this tree 7 -maybe 8- times because for the first 14 feet or so there are NO branches -and using the tension yer sinewy tendons you have to dig your fingertips and toes into the grooves in the thick bark. once that is past it is a cake walk 50 feet to the top- ahh... I never manage to avoid treeburn from the worn away parts and rough bark on the way down, and then you have chunks of crusty dry sap in your hair too and maybe a few spiders, but it is a great thing every time no matter what.
Labels: best views in Seattle, lookout point in Seattle ring and red bandana at the top of a tree in volunteer park
Labels: Beirut European Union
Labels: Neue Zuricher Zeitung
Labels: http://www.electropeasant.com/ ELECTROPEASANT Paul Diddy Jesi Khadavi
Labels: the Stranger SLOG Kitten on Crack photo foto "Post-Google" TAR ART RAT
We had a small auto accident... that was after I saw THis lizard this morning. THe lizard was eating cherries at Pike"s Place Market in Seattle. we went to a cathederal full of Catholics, I was bored, although there were good decorations. I am still very tired from jetlag. it is raining. all the time, and the 40,000 attendees of the UW graduation at the football stadium spent hours in the rain... graduating.
I am very confused about being back here. america just seems like a big movie set.
Labels: Adam Ziemkowski Bolivia Manfred Reyes Villa Gobierno Departemental de Cochabamba
a couple flights and a bit of jetlag, I am now at my sister's house in seattle, top on a hill in the Central District she has a Fraiser-esque view, minus space needle. surreal, ever since I got on the Northwest Airlines flight is has been all weird loud voices and - like, well, weird loud americannness talking about absolutely nothing all the goddamn time and being creepily and unnecessarily polite all the time, DISCLIMER: jetlag has eaten my brain, oh, whatever, well, It becomes clear to me why I don"t much care to live here all over again... although Seattle is a special bubble all its own. Ok, I am braindead, maybe I will have some amazing praises to sing in the morning, but now, just braindead....
Labels: QFC
Labels: Adam Ziemkowsi and Social injustice in Bolivia Manfred Reyes Villa Prefect of Cochabamba
while searching the classifieds in the local Berlin city weekly magazine "Zitty" I came aross this image implanted in the Jobs section for nude models needed for artsy fotos, so I drew on it and blurred it a whole bunch - so... ultimately, (John!) we could discuss its worth or validity as a work of art... or, perhaps *gasp* it actually (quite unintentionally falls into that strangest of strange categories called "Erotic Art" (ick.) Either way, it has grown on me, whatever it is.
the floors might be in a perpetully unfinished state, but if you can just suspend yourself above them then that doesn"t really matter much, does it. Ok, I'll cut it out with the foto binge...
I came across this old tree along in the near of the Auslaenderbehoerde on my. It was occupuying almost ALL of the park where it had splintered and fallen... it had been thouroughly brutalized by Mother Nature herself in the storms of days past, I think it will survive, it just slit in 2, the half that is still standing looks like it will pull through.
I saw this in Wedding (a neighborhood in berlin) this morning when i went to drop off my paperwork for the arbeitsamt. I guess I just loved how the resteraunt was called "ENJOY FAST FOOD" like a subtle and persuasive demand- IF asian take-out can be considered "Fast Food" ...
Other than that I did an english-dub voice-over for a corporate promotional IT film after work, that was interesting. I had to play the role of a Microsoft suit and 12 year old Turkish boy who inspired to be a furniture varnisher- "that is my dream job" he said... which was wierd, I mean the kid probably (or at least could've) been from our neighborhood... anyhow, I was able to impersonate these folks in my best neutral american english, and I got a great quality copy to use in case I ever want to apply for such a job again. Very easy work, except focusing on every part adn pronunciation of every word over and over and over.
Labels: tenfootman.blogspot.com Jean-Noël Cuénod Tribune de Genève
Labels: Russian President Vladimir Putin anti-missile systems across Eastern Europe nuclear war
Labels: Sarah Silverman roasting Paris Hilton MTV Music Awards
Labels: 000 Sign Petition to Scrap Olympic Logo, Wolff Olins Design Lloyengland blog London Unveils New Logo for 2012 Olympics Sebastian Coe Press Conference to release new London 2012 Olympic Logo 15
Nadine bought a hammock which we installed in the bay window, genius if you ask me.
Labels: Michael Vermillion Live on KEXP Audioasis "Post-Google" Post-Google TAR ART RAT
Labels: "THe Birth of the B-52" Google Conspiracy Birth of the B-29
Labels: euro topics eurotopics.net G8 France - L'Express Jacques Attali
Labels: New Copyright Legislation in the EU www.copycrime.eu/